News from Team Astroaraneae

I received an email today from Michael Remington, Captain and Fearless Leader of Team Astroaraneae (the reigning champs in the Space Elevator Games Tether event):

“I would like to notify you of an upcoming dinner event, hosted by the AIAA Sacramento Section.  The highlights include a lecture on the Space Elevator (by moi) and a sneak peak of a documentary recently submitted to the Seattle Film Festival: The Mighty Tether (Producers: Kane Wilke & Jeremy Dinovo).  It will be held in the Sacramento area, on the evening of April 24th 2008.  Details are included in the attached flyer or can be found at:

I would appreciate your letting the Space Elevator community know about this upcoming event, by e-mail or by a mention on your websites (where appropriate); and would encourage any and all of you interested in attending to RSVP, at your earliest convenience (per flyer).  A large turnout is expected, and our venue (California Aerospace Museum) has limited seating.

Best regards,
Michael Remington
Team Leader, Team Astroaraneae”

In the flyer announcing the event, the documentary is described as “It distills, and elicits the very essence of technological innovation as seen through the eyes of those toiling at the Space Elevator.”

This is all good.  I wish I was in the Sacramento area on the 24th, but alas I am not.  However, I’m looking forward to the release of this documentary and will publish details about it as soon as I have them.

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