Over the past months, I’ve come across several space elevator concept images and have collected them together into two posts, one for today and one for tomorrow.
First up is an image from a July post on one of my favorite websites, io9. Joao Silva is the Brazilian artist who created this – his caption reads: “If you want to get a good look at the long tether linking the space elevator platform planetside to the orbital station they built inside a hollow asteroid, you really need to be in orbit. I come to the forward viewing deck to see it whenever I can.”
Next up is one of a series of images (alternative website here) from Némo Tral, a French (I believe) artist. These images were submitted to the 2012 eVolo Skyscraper competition. and depict a space elevator in the African republic of Gabon.
Then, of course, there is Gundam, that absolutely awesome Japanese anime creation about giant robots. A space elevator plays a prominent role in the Anno Domini timeline episodes. There are a lot of Gundam – Space Elevator images on the web, one of my favorites is shown below. Check out the Gundam Orbital Elevator page to see more.
And, as Gundam is to the Anime world, Halo is to the gamer world and Halo also has its own space elevator. The Mombasa Orbital Elevator (aka the “Mombasa Tether”) is located “at the heart of the East African Protectorate city of New Mombasa on Earth“. The Halo Wikia Orbital Elevator page has many graphics you can enjoy, one of my favorites is this one:
Clicking on any of these images will display a full-size version – enjoy!
More tomorrow…