This coming August, the Japan Space Elevator Association (JSEA) will be holding it’s fourth annual JSETEC (Japan Space Elevator Technical and Engineering Competition). Each year, the JSEA gets more and more ambitious with its competition and this year, they are aiming for a racecourse more than a kilometer high!
Planning details are still sketchy, but I have received the following additional information from Devin Jacobson of the JSEA:
The next space elevator competition here looks like it will be the first week of August 8/1-8/5. We will probably have a narrower/thicker tether 25mm x 1.2mm, and plan to get up past 1km this time. There is quite a bit of activity due to the recent report from Obayashi Consortium that they plan to build a space elevator by 2050.
We will welcome any teams from the US that want to participate, so I will pass on the competition details once they are fixed. Sounds like end of June or July will need to be the final decision to come or not. Please feel free to pass the information on as well. Again there is no prize money but participation fee should also not be too much, probably cost much more just for the trip to Japan 🙂
If you are interested in participating, you can contact Devin directly at devinjacobson [at]
The JSEA also recently held a workshop for JSETEC, 2012.
Previous posts about the 2009 competition here, the 2010 competition here and the 2011 competition here. There are also several other posts related to these games on this blog – just key in “JSETEC” in the blog’s search window to view them.
Congratulations again to the JSEA – we look forward to an even bigger and better JSETEC this year!
I would like to see all designs, ideas, and technologies being
considered. Team USA might have the winning idea.
I propose Baffin Island for the launch base for SE-1