Have I said how cool this place is? So much advanced research going on here – it’s been one of the issues in getting the Games working here – coordinating the Games schedules with everything else going on at this location.
I was writing a blog post today when another sonic boom occurred – there have been enough of these that they don’t make me jump anymore. But I still go outside after I hear one and hope that I can see something cool. Today I most definitely did. The picture isn’t great, as the contrail was already starting to dissipate by the time I got my camera, but darned if, at the bottom of the photo, that doesn’t look a 90 degree turn in mid-air…
And not only is this place, cool, it’s hot. Take a look at the screen shot I captured today of the Weather Channel. Of course it is the middle of July and we are in the Mojave desert…
(Click on the picture thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture)