Several new Space-Elevator themed videos have been posted over at YouTube. Most, though not all, are from or related to the just-completed Space Elevator games.
This must be an older video, and it uses some of the ISR Space-Elevator video footage, but some of it was new for me;
This video was taken of the Climber Work area, either before or during the competition.
This is a video of the USST team during a qualification attempt. You have to turn your head sideways to view it. If someone knows how to change its orientation, please let me know…
This is a video of part of the University of Michigan’s MClimber historic rise to the top of the tether, including a very bad pun at the end.
This is a video of one of the SpaceMiners climber, one we didn’t see in this years competition. This video is of the steering mechanism for a SpaceMiners climber.
Another conceptual video of how a Space Elevator might look.
A 5+ minute German documentary on the Space Elevator and TurboCrawler.
Finally, here’s a video trailer from the XPrizeCup.