The online Washington Post today posted a piece about the Space Elevator by Dominic Basulto. It’s a good, generally accurate overview of the Space Elevator and was brought about by Dominic’s learning about the Diamond Nanothreads, the new “wonder material’ being much discussed these days.
Dominic contacted me while writing the story, asking my opinion on whether or not Space Elevator’s were feasible, given today’s technology. I answered that the materials are just not there yet, though work in the lab shows much promise, and he accurately quoted me in his story.
Nice to see the Space Elevator make the Washington Post. One item of note; he linked to a story about a Russian Space Elevator (I blogged about this way back when) and in that article, they fail to mention Yuri Artsutanov, the true father of the modern-day concept of the Space Elevator. The man just gets no respect, even in the Russian press. When he attended the ISEC Space Elevator Conference in 2010 (and what a treat it was to meet him), he told me (via his translator) that he and his family were essentially “persona non grata” in the old Soviet Union and that seems to have carried over to Russia. They should treat him better and acknowledge his contributions – he’s a national treasure for that country.
The picture, above, is from the 2010 Conference. Yuri is sitting with Roger Gilbertson, the person responsible for tracking down Yuri’s original article and having it translated into English. At the conference, Yuri pointed out a few mistakes in the translation and worked with Roger to get them fixed. The entire story of how Roger was able to get this article translated is fascinating and is chronicled in Volume 1 of CLIMB, the Space Elevator Journal.
Incidentally, Roger is now working for SpaceX, in charge of Public Relations I believe. You can click on the picture thumbnail to see a full-size version of the picture.