The next presentation was by Shuichi Ohno, chairman of JSEA, the Japan Space Elevator Association. JSEA has been around for many years, and like ISEC, is dedicated to advancing our understanding of the Space Elevator. Four people from Japan (three from JSEA) are attending the ISEC conference. Mr. Ohno’s presentation started by talking about the activities of JSEA. This includes several Climber competitions, including one, SPEC, which now requires climbers to ascend 1,200 meters. They have ambitious plans for 2015 – increasing this amount to 5,000 meters (Note: they had the 2014 competition earlier this month and, unfortunately, I’ve not posted about it yet – I will rectify that after the conference. You can find information about it here.)
Shuichi ended his presentation with a challenge to the US – to begin, again, conducting climber competitions, and this time, to do it in cooperation with JSEA.
Devin Jacobson, an American living in Japan and a member of JSEA, gave the next presentation; JSEA Outreach efforts and potential Business collaboration, or, The Space Elevator – Business or Pleasure? Devin discussed about how, if we want to make a space elevator “real”, we will need to have to have more funding and he discussed some possibilities of how that could happen. For example, he talked about how the balloon climber competitions have advanced the art of being to able to send communications from a ballon based node – handy when needed in temporary situations (like a natural disaster or similar).