Keith Loftstrom, author of the Lofstrom Loop, gave a presentation on “Loop Technology – Increasing Throughput, Decreasing Radiation”, his take on how to improve (or even in some cases, to discover) assumptions being used in designing a space elevator. He touched on many subjects, but one was the location of the Ground Station. Conventional wisdom has that it should be located on the equator for efficiency reasons. Keith posited a Ground station 8 degrees south of the equator, claiming that a) this would allow the tether to be ’tilted’ allowing things to be oriented off of the tether, b) it keeps the tether out of the way of things in orbit around the equator and c) that if the tether breaks, the mass above the break will be flung out into space along the imaginary equator line, thus missing other tethers that may be constructed.
He also talked about how to use the Space Elevator to eliminate the Van Allen Belts.
He discussed much more – this is just a brief. His talk, like all of the others, are being recorded and will be available some weeks after the conference.
If you want to view this presentation now, visit