The International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) has formed a History Committee to document the invention of the concept of the Space Elevator and the ever-increasing research and design which is taking place relating to this idea. Dr. Peter Swan, the President of ISEC, puts it this way:
“We are at a point in human history where there is activity to move off planet. As most of the world is limited by cost to orbit, we in the space elevator community believe we can make a difference in the future. However, as we go forward, we should also look back and record the progress that has occurred in the space elevator community. No one else will, until much later; so, we must step up and record our own history now.”
An initial team has already been formed and an aggressive agenda has been set, but Dr. Swan is looking for someone to head up the effort. The first Conference call of the History Committee is set to occur next Tuesday, November 12th. If you are interested in joining the team and/or heading up the effort, please contact Dr. Swan at pete.swan [at]