The Kansas City Space Pirates are now making their fourth attempt to break the unofficial power-beaming record set by LaserMotive. Brian Turner, captain of the Space Pirates, gives us this update:
- Recap. We have flown 3 previous times. 1 hr, 2 hrs, 5 hrs.
- First run failed because the laser aim was out of adjustment.
- Second run failed when drone lost track of it’s bottom target and drifted into the wall causing crash.
- Third run failed when we moved our broadcast system and interfered with the Drone comms.
They’ve also had some “environment” issues (had to partially open some shades to create better airflow) and they think that the simple act of people walking around was causing an issue. They’ve pretty much stopped that now and things are very stable.
As of this blog post, they are about 3 hours into run #4 and, if all goes well, they hope to eclipse the old mark of 12 hours and 27 minutes about 4:12am, Sunday morning, CST.
You can view the live broadcast and participate in the chat session by going here.
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