And we’re off. Markus Klettner, Executive Director of EuroSpaceward, is giving the kickoff address. He is talking about why we are having this conference. His rationale is to help humanity become a Type I civilization and a Space Elevator (and all of its associated technologies) is a key to making this happen. EuroSpaceward brings together leading scientists & engineers, supports research on mechanical properties of CNT and expects cross-fertilization of ideas & activities in order to achieve a breakthrough in growing ultra long (m) CNTs for the development of the SE mega cable. Here’s a news flash – a European Strong Tether Challenge? EuroSpaceward is working on this. More details later…
Next up is Dr. Vessilin Shanov from the University of Cincinnati. I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Shanov at the recent workshop held at the U of C last October and it is a great pleasure to be able see him again. His talk is about developments at the U of C including growing CNTs that approach 1 inch in length this past January. He is NOT talking about why CNT growth seems to stop and the CNTs detach from the catalyst saying he doesn’ know why and it is the “Million Dollar question”, With respect, I would call it the “Billion Dollar question”. CNT applications he is discussing include tiny biosensor electrodes, ‘dry’ adhesives, etc. They’ve patented the name of the type of CNTs they grow; “Black Cotton”.
Coffee break…