My presentation at the EuroSpaceward conference seemed to be fairly well received (at least I wasn’t booed off the stage). But then again, everyone was in a hurry to get lunch… 🙂
Anyway, here is a link to my presentation. It consists of my opinion on the “State of ISEC”. Part of me is discouraged that we haven’t done more, but the bigger part of me is very happy that we are up and functioning, that we have lasted more than a year, that we have some projects up and running and that we are (slowly) accumulating members.
If you are reading this and wondering what you can do to help the Space Elevator effort, I ask you to join ISEC. Your membership fees & donations will go DIRECTLY towards space elevator related activities. Much of the membership fees we collected this past year went to sponsor the Space Elevator Games, the ‘signature event’ in the field. Our next major goal is to get these academic competitions up and running. We are very fortunate to have the two modern “fathers” of the Space Elevator, Yuri Artsutanov and Jerome Pearson agree to have our academic prizes named after them. We have a team of physicists and engineers ready to review the academic submissions. As President of ISEC I have submitted our first Strategic Plan to the Board of Directors of ISEC and, once it’s approved, I’ll publish here (or on the ISEC website).
What we need now are funds to complete this task. Please join us and help us make the Space Elevator a reality.
Ted, thanks! Finally I’ve got it! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your slides and update. I’m a space elevator fan, but apparently not enough of one: I hadn’t heard of the ISEC before today!
Would you be interested in coming down to San Diego to give this presentation to SD Space? You should also come to SpaceUp next spring (; we can bring our space elevator model if you want.