Day 1 (Part 5) – Partial success !

MClimber became the first team to attempt a run today, and they succeeded in making it all the way to the top of the 200 foot-tall tether.  It took them 6 minutes and 40 seconds to complete the run, and the rules state that you have to do it in one minute or less.  So, the success is partial – they got to the top, but not in the required time (and thus are not eligible for the prize with this run).  But it’s incredible that they made it all.  The tether was twisting tremendously and the solar array was continuously in and out of the best optical position.  They are now going over their “lessons learned” and I expect them to make another attempt tomorrow.

Congratulations to the University of Michigan’s team; Julie Bellerose, Andrew Lyjak, Joel Schweitzer and Kwan Chong Tan – the first team, ever, to make it to the top of a 200 foot tether ! (As always, click on the thumbnails for a larger version of the picture).

MClimber on the tether – last minute adjustments being made.




On the way up…




You can see the Climber oscillating on the ribbon, round and round and up and down (on each side).



The successful team; from left-to-right, Joel Schweitzer, Julie Bellerose, Kwan Chong Tan and Andrew Lyjak.




Next up (we hope) are the Kansas City Space Pirates…

(Note: My thanks to Dustin Sensiba, from Cruces.US News for the first three pictures – due to a technical glitch, I wasn’t able to take any of this run.  Thanks, Dustin).

2 thoughts on “Day 1 (Part 5) – Partial success !

  1. Richard Route


    Quite keen to know what safety precautions are in place for the cable if it snaps,being a very long cable it would spread out quite a bit ..

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