Future space

Over at L2si, the following prediction is made:

“Shortly after the space elevator opens, a new sport will be introduced — extreme base jumping. Daredevils will leap from the structure at some point above the atmostphere wearing (highly) heat resistant pressurized suits and a parachute.”

3 thoughts on “Future space

  1. michael laine

    we have already had people asking us if they can jump off our mile high test platforms… and the answer will be YES! 🙂 (with the proper waivers of course). there has even been a business proposal that is being worked up, with our balloon based lifter test platforms that carry people up to about 5 miles, and they can jump from there… it would be a wild ride, and it should be possible within 2-3 years.

    for us, it is both a revenue stream (we would not operate it, another company would, and pay us a royalty on it) and a research platform (weather data, lifter data, ribbon data) and the great thing is that if something goes really wrong, everyong onboard is already wearing (and qualified) a parachute.

    take care. mjl

  2. Ted Semon Post author

    I will leave this sport to others. A friend of mine, when asked why he didn’t indulge in skydiving, replied “Wny jump out of a perfectly good airplane?” I have the same attitude here.

    But I’d love to watch…

  3. Brian

    I prefer my leisure time sports to take place at a sedentary pace. Sailing is right up my alley in terms of pace and effort.

    That said my wee little day sailer – she’s calling to me and yelping about the eleventy dozen things to be done to get her ready for the water.

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