Daily Archives: August 29, 2006

Boston Museum of Science to create Interactive Space Elevator exhibit

Tim Miller of the Strategic Projects department of the Museum of Science in Boston has informed me that they are now in the “preliminary planning phase” of creating a stand-alone interactive exhibit, dedicated exclusively to the space elevator.  It will introduce the fundamental concepts in physics, astrodynamics, and materials science necessary to get such a system to function. The exhibit will also feature multimedia stories and interviews from the scientists and engineers working on the project.  If the prototype of this exhibit proves successful, it may be displayed in science museums all over the country.

The design work is taking place at Museum of Science in Boston, but it is part of a larger nationwide consortium of science centers and museums.  Funding for this project has come from President Bush’s National Nanotechnology Initiative.

For more information about this project, please contact Tim Miller at tmiller AT mos.org.